Iogen has partnered with numerous industry leaders to develop and deliver cost effective cellulosic biofuel technology. Research and business relationships include the following:
Raízen Energia SA
In 2012, after reviewing a range of technology options, Raízen signed a joint development agreement to work with Iogen on its strategy for cellulosic ethanol production in Brazil. In 2013, Raízen announced its commitment to a commercial facility using Iogen technology. In 2014, Raízen completed construction of the first facility using Iogen technology, and produced cellulosic ethanol for sale in local markets. An official opening of the facility was held in 2015. Raízen officials have communicated plans to expand cellulosic ethanol capacity in Brazil to 8 facilities.
Raízen is the world's largest sugarcane crusher and one of the leading sugar and ethanol producers in Brazil. Raízen was established in 2011 as a joint venture between global oil major Royal Dutch Shell plc and Brazilian energy and infrastructure conglomerate Cosan. Currently, the company has over 40,000 employees, produces 2 billion liters of ethanol from sugarcane per year from a network of 24 sugarcane mills in Brazil, maintains the largest Brazilian market share in fuels retailing. Read more at www.raizen.com.br/en
The Royal Dutch/Shell Group
In 2002, after a worldwide search for the leading options in biofuels, Royal Dutch/Shell Group selected Iogen as a development partner. Shell and Iogen conducted an extensive cooperation and commercialization program from 2002 to 2012. In 2012, Shell stopped its North American development of cellulosic biofuels and transferred its interests in the technology to Raízen, its joint venture in Brazil.
Shell is one of the world's largest integrated oil companies, and is committed to expanding its sustainable development practices.
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Goldman Sachs & Co
In 2006, Goldman Sachs & Co. of New York invested $40 million to acquire a minority stake in Iogen. The company has since divested its ownership position in Iogen.
Goldman Sachs & Co. is a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm and is a leading investor in renewable and alternative energy. The firm has set a $40 billion target for financing and investing in clean technology companies over the next decade. Read more at http://www.goldmansachs.com/our-thinking/new-energy-landscape/future-of-clean-energy/index.html
Volkswagen AG
In 2007, recognizing that clean fuels could be a cost effective option to reduce petroleum dependence in transportation fuels, especially relative to many emerging vehicle efficiency technologies, Volkswagen signed a partnership agreement with Iogen. At that time, Volkswagen invested $10M in Iogen and became a minority stakeholder. The two companies conducted a study to assess the economic feasibility of producing cellulosic ethanol in Germany. Today, the companies continue to cooperate on ways cellulosic biofuels can benefit the automotive industry.
The Volkswagen Group with its headquarters in Wolfsburg, is one of the world's leading vehicle manufacturers and the largest car producer in Europe. The VW Group goal is to be the world's leading automaker, both economically and ecologically. Read more at http://www.volkswagenag.com/content/vwcorp/content/en/homepage.html
In 1997, Petro-Canada signed a partnership with Iogen to further develop cellulosic ethanol technology. With a $15.8 million investment from Petro-Canada, Iogen built the company's demonstration plant. In December 2003, Petro-Canada extended its investment in Iogen´s program.
Petro-Canada was acquired by Suncor Energy in 2007. Suncor Energy is one of Canada's largest energy companies, with diversified operations spanning oil sands, natural gas production, offshore and international production assets, refining, and fuels retailing operations. Read more at: http://www.suncor.com/default.aspx
Government of Canada
The Government of Canada has been a development partner of Iogen's through different Canadian federal government departments. These include the National Research Council (NRC), Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN), and Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC). Iogen partnered with the NRC in 1994 to develop unique enzymes for the pulp and paper industry. In April 1997, Iogen released the world's first improved xylanase using biotechnology for pulp bleaching. In January 1999, Iogen entered into a partnership with TPC and secured a $10-million loan to help build its ethanol demonstration facility in Ottawa.
In 2013, Iogen sold its specialty enzymes business to Novozymes. Subsequently, as part of its development program with Raízen, Iogen entered into a three way development agreement with Novozymes and Raízen to develop tailored enzymes to suit Iogen’s process technology and target feedstocks.
Novozymes is the world’s largest enzyme manufacturer with about $2 billion in sales, more than 6,000 employees, and a worldwide industrial enzymes market share nearing 50%. Read more at: http://www.novozymes.com/en/Pages/default.aspx